SE Crew: @domoniqueraye

Yep, @domoniqueraye is an inspiration on and off the BMX track. When she's not kicking butt racing, she's a medial professional and student! Awesome!
How old are you?
I am 25, but 26 in August.
Where do you live?
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
How many SE bikes do you own?
I personally own several of the Elite Race Series, but I also have an Everyday. However, for my entire household… definitely over six bikes and counting! I’m sure once we move out of our condo the collection will grow!
What’s your favorite SE bike?
Well, I am a racer so I love my PK Ripper Super Elite XL. But each bike I own has a purpose, so depending on what I’m doing, that determines which bike I use and all are dialed!
What’s your favorite place to ride and race?
I have had the opportunity to race/ride all over the country and will begin riding around the world soon, but nowhere can compare to riding/training at home at Duke City BMX. That’s where my support base is, and being able to be around the kids who look up to me and the riders we’re trying to help develop. It’s a feeling like no other, truly family.
What’s your favorite thing about racing and riding in general?
Growing up I have done a lot of sports… I mean A LOT; soccer, basketball, track and field, cheerleading, swimming, and more! However, there is a freedom in riding that I don’t get from any other sport. I’m also a pretty rowdy chick sports-wise and am rather aggressive, so racing is a great outlet for that! The freedom to be on your own, have no excuses, and truly only be limited by you as an individual are what make me love riding more than anything. And being a BMX racer transfers to other cycling sports rather easily so you aren’t just stuck on a BMX track.
What’s your secret to improving riding skills?
Truthfully, skill riding is scary. It’s beyond fun, but can be scary so just remaining calm is key. Also, having people around you that support you and will take care of you if something bad happens always helps ease the nerves, but really just going out there and attempting something new. I feel we all start pushing skills with the thought of possibly getting hurt in the back of our head, so just being able to tune out the nerves and just go try…it’s the only way to push your limits.
What’s something that people may not know about you?
I love to sing. I was actually highly involved in choir most of my life and was a part of multiple Honor Choirs throughout high school.
What advice would you give to someone just getting into racing?
Don’t just go out there thinking it’s easy because you see experienced athletes making it look easy. It took time for us to get as decent as we are so take it slow, keep it controlled, and push your limits as you become more comfortable.